Planet Digital Humanities

David Maus

Planet Digital Humanities

This Planet aggregates news and blog posts from the wider digital humanities community. It features smaller websites, journals and independent bloggers that the curator of the list deems interesting. You can subscribe to the planet's feed and/or view the subscription list. The planet is powered by Planet Venus and updated daily.


Introduction à l'interface en ligne de commande Bash et Zsh

Programming Historian, 2024-04-24

Studierenden Projekte WiSe22/23

DH Regensburg, 2024-04-08

Event Report: How to Preserve Diverse Data in a Monolingual Environment: Introducing the Project Closing the Gap in Non-Latin-Script Data

DH³, 2024-03-28

Towards an interoperable digital scholarly edition

Zotero / TEI Group / Top-Level Items, 2024-03-28

Ancient Worlds in Digital Culture

Zotero / TEI Group / Top-Level Items, 2024-03-28

What is a Scholarly Digital Edition?

Zotero / TEI Group / Top-Level Items, 2024-03-28

Digital scholarly editing: Theories, models and methods

Zotero / TEI Group / Top-Level Items, 2024-03-28

Connecting the Dots. Variables of Literary History and Emotions in German-language Poetry

Journal of Computational Literary Studies Article Feed, 2024-03-28

Veranstaltungshinweis: Projektmanagement als wichtiges Tool für Digital Humanities Projekte

DH³, 2024-03-27

Bulletin // Boletín // Bulletin // Boletim

Programming Historian, 2024-03-27

Working with Named Places: How and Why to Build a Gazetteer

Programming Historian, 2024-03-27

Erfahrungsbericht DHd2024- Passau

DH Regensburg, 2024-03-25

Querying Art History Data on the Web (5/7): Modelling Data with OpenRefine

DHd-Kanal, 2024-03-25

Code for Thought Podcastfolge: Es tut sich was im RSE-Land - mit Beiträgen vom de-RSE, der GI und NFDI, 2024-03-24

Querying Art History Data on the Web (1.2/7): Cleaning with OpenRefine & visualization with Palladio

DHd-Kanal, 2024-03-24

What's that Scary Sound? Ambient Sound in Gothic Fiction

Journal of Computational Literary Studies Article Feed, 2024-03-24

Querying Art History Data on the Web (3/7): Example: Developing research questions with SPARQL

DHd-Kanal, 2024-03-23

Priests’ libraries – Part 2: making our data operable

Digital Humanities Lab, 2024-03-22

3D-Rekonstruktion (4/9): Gebäudedaten in QGIS importieren

DHd-Kanal, 2024-03-22

What do characters do? The embodied agency of fictional characters

Journal of Computational Literary Studies Article Feed, 2024-03-22