David Maus

Release of SchXslt version 1.1

I am happy to announce the release of version 1.1 of SchXslt, an XSLT-based Schematron processor.

You can download this version SchXslt from its project page. Developers using SchXslt in a Java-based project can add or update the Maven artifact name.dmaus.schxslt.schxslt to version 1.1.


Callback API

SchXslt follows the footsteps of the Skeleton implementation and lets you customize the reporting output. The callback API defines named templates that are called to create parts of the validation stylesheet that report on active patterns, fired rules, failed asserts and successful asserts.

A documentation of the API can be found in the project's wiki.

Java classes

The SchXslt Maven artifact also provides Java classes implementing Schematron validation.

Ant Task

The Ant task is updated to use version 1.1 of SchXslt.

Fixed bugs